Year 2024 / Volume 116 / Number 12
New treatments in inflammatory bowel disease — A thrilling time ahead


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2024.10764/2024

Fernando Gomollón,

Except for some surgical techniques, up to 1940 the clinical course of inflammatory bowel disease was determined by its own natural history: most medical interventions even worsened prognosis. The empyrical introduction of salazopyrine early in the 1940s, pioneered by Nanna Svartz in Sweden, was followed relatively soon by the incorporation of corticosteroids during the 1950s. However, it took both a long time to reach patients, and quality scientific evidence to better establish their indications built up very slowly.
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Letter to the Editor

Gangliocytic paraganglioma: an unusual cause of upper gastrointestinal bleeding

DOI: 10.17235/reed.2017.4808/2016

Letter to the Editor

POEMS syndrome and idiopathic portal hypertension: a possible association

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Specialist care in the management of inflammatory bowel disease

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Digestive Diseases Image

An unusual enterolith ileus


Mercaptopurine and inflammatory bowel disease: the other thiopurine

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Letter to the Editor

Ball valve syndrome caused by a giant gastric Vanek’s tumor

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3D echoendoscopy and miniprobes for rectal cancer staging

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Case Report

Jejunal pseudodiverticulosis. Three cases report

DOI: 10.17235/reed.2017.4403/2016

Letter to the Editor

Whipple’s disease under the vision of capsule endoscopy

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Spasmolytic effect of Jasonia glutinosa on rodent intestine

DOI: 10.17235/reed.2016.4327/2016

Letter to the Editor

Adnexal localization of Crohn’s disease and recurrent massive ovary cysts

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Letter to the Editor

Intestinal endometriosis. Our experience

DOI: 10.17235/reed.2016.4292/2016

Case Report

Cannabis intake and intussusception: an accidental association?

DOI: 10.17235/reed.2016.4288/2016

Letter to the Editor

Acute colonic complications in a patient with Chagas disease

DOI: 10.17235/reed.2016.4193/2016

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Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis

Case Report

The clinical extremes of autoimmune cholangitis

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Wilkie´s syndrome

Letter to the Editor

Gastric neuroendocrine tumor presenting with gastrointestinal bleeding

DOI: 10.17235/reed.2015.3998/2015

Letter to the Editor

Celiac disease and fibromyalgia: Is there an association?

DOI: 10.17235/reed.2015.3992/2015

Case Report

Metastatic Crohn’s disease in pediatrics

DOI: 10.17235/reed.2016.3948/2015

Letter to the Editor

A propos of a case: Abdominal compartment syndrome caused by massive hydatid disease

DOI: 10.17235/reed.2015.3940/2015

Letter to the Editor

Crohn’s disease and Sweet’s syndrome: A debut together

DOI: 10.17235/reed.2015.3842/2015

Case Report

Appendicular bleeding: an excepcional cause of lower hemorrhage

DOI: 10.17235/reed.2015.3828/2015

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Granular cell tumor of cecum

Case Report

Pelvic inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor mimicking a rectal cancer

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Ovarian involvement in Crohn´s disease: A rare complication

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Atypical diagnosis diagnosis by endoscopic capsule: Whipple´s disease

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Downhill varices: an uncommon cause of upper gastrointestinal bleeding

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Letter to the Editor

Duodenal involvement by seminomatous tumors

DOI: 10.17235/reed.2015.3646/2014

Letter to the Editor

Leiomyosarcoma of the ascending colon: a rare tumor with poor prognosis

DOI: 10.17235/reed.2015.3606/2014

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Publication history

Received: 05/09/2024

Accepted: 06/09/2024

Online First: 04/10/2024

Published: 13/12/2024

Article Online First time: 29 days

Article editing time: 99 days

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