Year 2017 / Volume 109 / Number 4
Case Report
Enteral feeding via jejunostomy as a cause of intestinal perforation and necrosis


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2017.4305/2016

María Victoria Vieiro Medina, Elias Rodríguez Cuéllar, Alfredo Ibarra Peláez, Dánae Gil-Díez, Felipe de la Cruz Vigo,

Jejunostomy for enteral feeding is excellent for patients who cannot manage oral intake, with a low complication rate. A Foley catheter, Ryle tube, Kerh tube or needle-catheter (Jejuno-Cath®) are commonly used. It is a safe procedure but it can lead to severe complications. We present two cases: firstly, an 80 year old male who was admitted to the Emergency Room with a bowel perforation secondary to Jejuno-Cath® for enteral feeding after a subtotal gastrectomy with Roux-en-Y reconstruction; and secondly, a 53 year old male who was admitted to the Emergency Room due to gastric perforation developing multiple complications, including bowel necrosis and enteral feeding impaction. We have reviewed the recent literature with regard to this rare complication.
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Vieiro Medina M, Rodríguez Cuéllar E, Ibarra Peláez A, Gil-Díez D, de la Cruz Vigo F. Enteral feeding via jejunostomy as a cause of intestinal perforation and necrosis. 4305/2016

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Received: 05/03/2016

Accepted: 20/04/2016

Online First: 23/01/2017

Published: 31/03/2017

Article revision time: 43 days

Article Online First time: 324 days

Article editing time: 391 days

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