Year 2022 / Volume 114 / Number 4
Reply to: “Does it matter which plastic stents we use for the treatment of post-surgical leaks? Or is it a one-size-fits-all?”


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2021.8486/2021

Esteban Fuentes-Valenzuela, Francisco Javier García-Alonso, Javier Tejedor-Tejada, Rodrigo Nájera-Muñoz, Marina de Benito Sanz, Ramón Sánchez-Ocaña, Carlos de la Serna Higuera, Manuel Perez-Miranda,

We appreciate the interest of Sánchez-Luna et al. in our article “Endoscopic internal drainage using transmural double-pigtail stents in leaks following upper gastrointestinal tract surgery”, and find their suggestion about using softer urological double pigtail stents (DPS) for endoscopic internal drainage (EID) interesting.
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1. Sánchez-Luna SA, Guimãraes Hourneaux De Moura E, Sena de Medeiros F, Turiani Hourneaux De Moura D. Does it matter which plastic stents we use for the treatment of post-surgical leaks? Or is it a one-size-fits-all?. Rev Esp Enferm Dig. 2021. Epub ahead.
2. Fuentes-Valenzuela E, Javier García-Alonso F, Tejedor-Tejada J, Nájera-Muñoz R, de Benito Sanz M, Sánchez-Ocaña R, et al. Endoscopic internal drainage using transmural double-pigtail stents in leaks following upper gastrointestinal tract surgery. Rev Esp Enferm Dig. 2021;113(10):698-703.
3. Donatelli G, Spota A, Cereatti F, Granieri S, Dagher I, Chiche R, et al. Endoscopic internal drainage for the management of leak, fistula, and collection after sleeve gastrectomy: our experience in 617 consecutive patients. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 202;17(8):1432–9.
4. Gonzalez JM, Servajean C, Aider B, Gasmi M, D’Journo XB, Leone M, et al. Efficacy of the endoscopic management of postoperative fistulas of leakages after esophageal surgery for cancer: a retrospective series. Surg Endosc. 2016;30(11):4895–903.
5. De Moura DTH, De Freitas Júnior JR, De Souza GMV, De Oliveira GHP, McCarty TR, Thompson CC, et al. Endoscopic management of acute leak after sleeve gastrectomy: principles and techniques. Endoscopy. 2021; Epub ahead.
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Fuentes-Valenzuela E, García-Alonso F, Tejedor-Tejada J, Nájera-Muñoz R, de Benito Sanz M, Sánchez-Ocaña R, et all. Reply to: “Does it matter which plastic stents we use for the treatment of post-surgical leaks? Or is it a one-size-fits-all?”. 8486/2021

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Received: 01/12/2021

Accepted: 02/12/2021

Online First: 07/12/2021

Published: 07/04/2022

Article Online First time: 6 days

Article editing time: 127 days

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