Year 2023 / Volume 115 / Number 1
GIST is not all that it seems


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2022.8974/2022

Pedro López Morales, Miguel Ruiz Marín, Patricia Pastor Pérez, Clara Giménez Francés, Inmaculada Pagán Muñoz, Javier Jiménez Sánchez, Antonio Albarracín Marín-Blázquez,

We present a 41-year-old female who was admitted to our hospital with a history of 2-month epigastric pain and vomiting. Physical examination was normal. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy showed a sessile submucosal tumor with central ulceration in the gastric body-antrum. Biopsies revealed a gastric mucosa without changes. Nevertheless, endoscopic ultrasound-guided biopsies showed interlacing bundles of spindle cells. The immunohistochemical study was negative for CD117 and smooth muscle actin and positive for S100 protein. A CT scan identified a heterogeneous mass in the stomach wall.
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López Morales P, Ruiz Marín M, Pastor Pérez P, Giménez Francés C, Pagán Muñoz I, Jiménez Sánchez J, et all. GIST is not all that it seems. 8974/2022

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Publication history

Received: 29/05/2022

Accepted: 31/05/2022

Online First: 15/06/2022

Published: 12/01/2023

Article Online First time: 17 days

Article editing time: 228 days

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