Year 2016 / Volume 108 / Number 11
Case Report
Hirschsprung disease with debut in adult age as acute intestinal obstruction: case report


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2016.3841/2015

José Antonio López Ruiz, Luis Tallón Aguilar, Laura Sánchez Moreno, José López Pérez, Felipe Pareja Ciuró, Fernando Oliva Mompeán, F. Javier Padillo Ruiz,

Hirschsprung's disease is characterized by absence of ganglion cells in submucosal and myenteric plexus of distal bowel. Most cases become manifest during the neonatal period, but in rare instances, this disease is initially diagnosed in adult age. It usually presents as severe constipation with colonic dilatation proximal to the aganglionic segment. The treatment is surgical, removing the aganglionic segment and restoring continuity of digestive tract. The disease rarely presents as an acute intestinal obstruction. We report a case not previously diagnosed, which presented as a massive colonic dilatation with a maximum diameter of 44 cm, with imminent risk of drilling that forced to perform an emergency surgery. We include a review of existing literature.
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López Ruiz J, Tallón Aguilar L, Sánchez Moreno L, López Pérez J, Pareja Ciuró F, Oliva Mompeán F, et all. Hirschsprung disease with debut in adult age as acute intestinal obstruction: case report. 3841/2015

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Received: 10/05/2015

Accepted: 04/09/2015

Online First: 11/02/2016

Published: 02/11/2016

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Article editing time: 542 days

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