Year 2020 / Volume 112 / Number 10
Randomized clinical trial to assess the mPADSS scale in recovery and home discharge after endoscopy


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2020.6420/2019

Marina de Benito Sanz, Sara Martínez de la Torre, M.ª Almudena Salvador de las Heras, Raquel Calleja Carbajosa, Patricia Virginia Sesma Fernández, Lourdes Pérez Sierra, Francisco Javier García-Alonso, Manuel Perez-Miranda,

Background: current clinical practice guidelines recommend the use of objective scales as a criterion for post-endoscopy sedation discharge. Objective: to assess the recovery time, complications and patient satisfaction level using the mPADSS scale. Material and methods: demographic data and medical history were collected. Vital signs, anxiety and abdominal pain were measured pre-endoscopy. Patients were randomized into a control group, discharged according to the usual practice, and the intervention group, who underwent the mPADSS scale every ten minutes, until an objective score was reached. Results: one hundred and eighteen patients were randomized (78 colonoscopies, 32 gastroscopies, three gastro + colonoscopies and 15 endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatographies/endoscopic ultrasound [ERCP/USE]). With regard to medical history, there were 36 cases of elevated blood pressure and 19 diabetes cases, 15 with anticoagulant/antiplatelet and 21 with hypnotic/anxiolytic medication. An average of 160 mg of propofol was required per patient, with additional flumazenil and midazolam in 49. There were two episodes of vomiting and three of mild desaturation, all of them in the control group. Sixty patients were included in the control group and 58 in the mPADSS group, who were discharged in 15 and 10 minutes on average respectively (p < 0.005); 24-48h telephone call follow-up data were available for 105 subjects. There were four readmissions (three control and one mPADSS). There were no differences in pain and post-sedation symptoms and the level of satisfaction in terms of attention and duration of stay was similar in both groups. Conclusions: this study shows the efficiency, safety and patient satisfaction using the mPADSS scale. Thus, its use is recommend.
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de Benito Sanz M, Martínez de la Torre S, Salvador de las Heras M, Calleja Carbajosa R, Sesma Fernández P, Pérez Sierra L, et all. Randomized clinical trial to assess the mPADSS scale in recovery and home discharge after endoscopy. 6420/2019

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Received: 01/06/2019

Accepted: 19/01/2020

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Published: 07/10/2020

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