Year 2023 / Volume 115 / Number 6
Endoscopic stent placement after spontaneous esophageal perforation associated with chemoradiotherapy for esophageal cancer


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2022.9162/2022

Joel Omar Jáquez-Quintana, Susanna Scharrer-Cabello, Armando Antonio Baeza-Zapata, Héctor Jesús Maldonado-Garza, María José Sánchez-Otero, Carlos Alberto Téllez-Hinojosa,

A 38-year-old male with established diagnosis of stage IV squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus treated with chemoradiotherapy (25 sessions of 50 Gy), presented with acute aphagia, thoracic pain, productive cough, and mild hemoptysis. Upon physical examination the right hemithorax presented with crepitations. An initial CT scan showed an esophageal perforation. An upper endoscopy was performed, visualizing the esophageal perforation in the mid third of the esophagus at 26 cm of the dental arcade. It was possible to bypass and intubate the stomach, enabling the placement of a guide wire under endoscopic visualization. Afterwards, a partially covered, self-expandable, metal stent (Wallflex esophageal stent 10 cm/18/23; Boston Scientific) was placed in the esophagus restoring continuity, visualized by fluoroscopy.
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Jáquez-Quintana J, Scharrer-Cabello S, Baeza-Zapata A, Maldonado-Garza H, Sánchez-Otero M, Téllez-Hinojosa C, et all. Endoscopic stent placement after spontaneous esophageal perforation associated with chemoradiotherapy for esophageal cancer. 9162/2022

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Received: 27/08/2022

Accepted: 29/08/2022

Online First: 12/09/2022

Published: 06/06/2023

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