Year 2018 / Volume 110 / Number 7
Factors associated with complications during endoscopic esophageal dilation


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2018.5375/2017

Harold Eduardo Benites Goñi, Ronald Arcana López, Katherine Yelenia Bustamante Robles, Aurora Burgos García, Luis Cervera Caballero, Augusto Vera Calderón, Milagros Dávalos Moscol,

Background: endoscopic dilation is considered as the treatment of choice for esophageal strictures. However, there are no studies in our region that have assessed the safety of the procedure. Objective: to assess the safety of esophageal dilation and the factors associated with the development of complications. Materials and methods: a retrospective cohort was studied. All patients referred for esophageal dilation between January 2015 and June 2017 were included in the study. A complication rate was obtained and the association between nonadherence to the “rule of 3” and the development of complications was determined. Other predictive factors associated with complication development were also analyzed. Results: a total of 164 patients that underwent 474 dilations were included in the study. Surgical anastomosis stricture was the most prevalent etiology. A total of six complications occurred, including three perforations (0.63%), two bleeding events (0.42%) and one episode of significant pain that required post-procedure observation (0.21%). Endoscopic esophageal dilation without adherence to the “rule of 3” was not associated with a higher risk of complications. Balloon dilation was the only predictive factor for complications. Conclusions: esophageal dilation is a safe procedure. Nonadherence to the “rule of 3” does not appear to be associated with a higher risk of complications, including esophageal perforation.
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Benites Goñi H, Arcana López R, Bustamante Robles K, Burgos García A, Cervera Caballero L, Vera Calderón A, et all. Factors associated with complications during endoscopic esophageal dilation. 5375/2017

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Received: 14/11/2017

Accepted: 25/01/2018

Online First: 19/03/2018

Published: 02/07/2018

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