Year 2024 / Volume 116 / Number 12
Two forgotten guests: biliary and pancreatic stents retained after 14 years


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2024.10870/2024

Ricardo Chicas-López, César Ramos Matamoros, María Fernanda Castillo Martínez, José Alberto González González,

We present a 54-year-old man with a previous complicated choledocholithiasis 14 years ago, treated with sphincterotomy and biliary and pancreatic stents placement by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). The patient didn’t attend the follow-up. On this occasion, seeks medical attention at this medical center for abdominal pain, jaundice, and fever. Laboratory tests report leukocytosis with neutrophilia, elevated C reactive protein, and hyperbilirubinemia with cholestasis. An ERCP was performed and showed inflammatory ampullary tissue with a previous pancreatic and biliary stent in situ, both were removed succesfully with cold snare. Cholangiogram revealed a dilated bile duct and filling defects compatible with large stones. Due to the soft consistency of the stones, some of them were removed by balloon catheter without complete extraction, therefore a double pig-tail plastic stent was placed and new ERCP in 4 weeks. The patient received antibiotic therapy with piperacillin-tazobactam with a favorable evolution. During follow-up, a new ERCP was performed with extraction of stones and removal of the stent; there was no evidence of secondary biliary cirrhosis.
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Chicas-López R, Ramos Matamoros C, Castillo Martínez M, González González J. Two forgotten guests: biliary and pancreatic stents retained after 14 years. 10870/2024

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Publication history

Received: 15/10/2024

Accepted: 17/10/2024

Online First: 24/10/2024

Published: 13/12/2024

Article Online First time: 9 days

Article editing time: 59 days

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