Year 2015 / Volume 107 / Number 12
Recurrence of liver metastases from colorectal cancer and repeat liver resection


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2015.3843/2015

Francisco Navarro Freire, Patricia Navarro Sánchez, Benito Mirón Pozo, María Teresa Delgado Ureña, José Antonio Jiménez Ríos, Pedro Antonio García López, Juan Ignacio Arcelus Martínez,

Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the resectability and effectiveness of repeat hepatectomy for relapsing liver metastases of colorectal origin in terms of morbidity, mortality, overall survival, and disease-free survival. Methods: A retrospective study was performed on a prospective cohort of patients with colorectal liver metastases who underwent repeat surgery at Hospital Universitario San Cecilio, Granada (Spain), from March 2003 to June 2013. Primary outcome variables included survival and morbidity within 30 days post-surgery. Results: A total of 147 patients with colorectal liver metastases underwent surgical excision during the study period; 61 patients had liver recurrence, and 34 of these received repeat surgery. The overall survival rate at 5 and 10 years for resected patients (n=27/34) was 48% and 48%. Mean hospital stay was 8.9 ± 3.5 days, morbidity was 9%, and mortality was 0%. Conclusion: Repeat liver resection for colorectal liver metastases is a safe, effective surgical procedure whose results are similar to those obtained after initial liver resection.
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10/12/2015 23:59:14
Muy buen articulo

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Navarro Freire F, Navarro Sánchez P, Mirón Pozo B, Delgado Ureña M, Jiménez Ríos J, García López P, et all. Recurrence of liver metastases from colorectal cancer and repeat liver resection . 3843/2015

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Received: 11/05/2015

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