Year 2025 / Volume 117 / Number 1
Special Article
Portal hypertension: recommendations for diagnosis and treatment. Consensus document sponsored by the Spanish Association for the Study of the Liver (AEEH) and the Biomedical Research Network Center for Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBERehd)


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2024.10805/2024

Agustín Albillos, Rafael Bañares, Virginia Hernández-Gea, Edilmar Alvarado-Tapias on behalf of Grupo Español de Consenso en Hipertensión Portal*,

* Grupo Español de Consenso en Hipertensión Portal: Edilmar Alvarado-Tapias, Javier Ampuero , Anna Baiges, Pablo Bellot , José Luis Calleja , Andrés Cárdena , María-Vega Catalina, Àngels Escorsell, José Ignacio Fortea, Juan Carlos García-Pagan, Juan Genescà, Manuel Hernández-Guerra, Luis Ibáñez-Samaniego, Sabela Lens , Elba Llop , Macarena Simon-Talero, Rosa Martín-Mateos, Mónica Pons , Elisa Pose , Ángela Puente , Enric Reverter, Diego Rincón, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez-Gandía, Luis Téllez , Fanny Turón , Cándido Villanueva

Portal hypertension is a hemodynamic abnormality that complicates the course of cirrhosis, as well as other diseases that affect the portal venous circulation. The development of portal hypertension compromises prognosis, especially when it rises above a certain threshold known as clinically significant portal hypertension (CSPH). In the consensus conference on Portal Hypertension promoted by the Spanish Association for the Study of the Liver and the Hepatic and Digestive diseases area of the Biomedical Research Networking Center (CIBERehd), different aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of portal hypertension caused by cirrhosis or other diseases were discussed. The outcome of this discussion was a set of recommendations that achieved varying degrees of consensus among panelists and are reflected in this consensus document. The six areas under discussion were: the relevance of clinically significant portal hypertension and the non-invasive methods used for its diagnosis and that of cirrhosis, the prevention of the first episode of decompensation and its recurrence, the treatment of acute variceal bleeding and other complications of portal hypertension, the indications for the use of TIPS, and finally, the diagnosis and treatment of liver vascular diseases.
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31/01/2025 16:05:54
I am very inerested in this area of hepatology Knoledge

10/01/2025 13:41:22

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Citation tools
Albillos A, Bañares R, Hernández-Gea V, Alvarado-Tapias E. Portal hypertension: recommendations for diagnosis and treatment. Consensus document sponsored by the Spanish Association for the Study of the Liver (AEEH) and the Biomedical Research Network Center for Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBERehd) . 10805/2024

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