Year 2022 / Volume 114 / Number 9
Update on the diagnosis and management of portal hypertension in cirrhosis according to the Baveno VII Consensus Conference recommendations


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2022.8868/2022

Luis Téllez, Antonio Guerrero, Agustín Albillos,

Development of portal hypertension is the most critical hallmark in the natural history of advanced chronic liver disease, as it is responsible for most liver decompensations. Correct risk stratification allows the design of personalized treatment strategies. In addition, the dynamic nature of chronic liver disease requires a refinement of both invasive and non-invasive diagnostic methods at every stage. Treatment with non-selective beta blockers and suppression of the etiologic factor improve portal hypertension and decrease the probability of decompensation in high-risk patients. Patients admitted for variceal hemorrhage also benefit from personalized management, where insertion of a preventive TIPS plays a relevant role.
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Téllez L, Guerrero A, Albillos A. Update on the diagnosis and management of portal hypertension in cirrhosis according to the Baveno VII Consensus Conference recommendations. 8868/2022

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