Year 2017 / Volume 109 / Number 4
Case Report
Colonic obstruction secondary to sigmoid fecaloma endoscopically resolved with Coca-Cola®


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2017.4209/2016

Guillermo Ontanilla Clavijo, Rafael León Montañés, Yolanda Sánchez Torrijos, Teófilo López Ruiz, Juan Manuel Bozada García,

Background: Colonic obstruction is a relatively common condition in emergency care, with a mortality rate of up to 20%. In 90% of cases it results from colonic or rectal adenocarcinoma, volvulus, or stenosis secondary to diverticular disease. When fecal impaction is the underlying cause, the condition is usually managed conservatively, but may on occasion become complicated and even require surgical intervention. Based on the proven efficacy of Coca-Cola® to dissolve gastric phytobezoars, we report a case of colonic obstruction secondary to sigmoid fecaloma. Case report: A 58 years old woman arrived at the Emergency Room (ER) with persistent constipation for the last six days. An abdominal CT scan showed a large fecal mass at the sigmoid colon with retrograde dilated colonic loops. Cleansing enemas and oral lactulose were administered, which failed to resolve the clinical presentation, so we then proceeded to inject Coca-Cola® within the fecaloma using a sclerosing needle, and then washed the fecaloma surface also with Coca-Cola®. After a few minutes we started to fragment the fecalith, the consistency of which had been notably decreased. Discussion: The use of Coca-Cola® for gastric washes in the management of phytobezoars is well established. Since fecaliths are partly composed of these same substances than phytobezoars, the use of Coca-Cola® might well be warranted against them as in our patient, without surgery. Our case report is the second one published in the literature, in which Coca-Cola® helped solve colonic obstruction secondary to fecaloma.
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Citation tools
Ontanilla Clavijo G, León Montañés R, Sánchez Torrijos Y, López Ruiz T, Bozada García J. Colonic obstruction secondary to sigmoid fecaloma endoscopically resolved with Coca-Cola® . 4209/2016

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Received: 19/01/2016

Accepted: 06/05/2016

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Published: 31/03/2017

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