Year 2024 / Volume 116 / Number 3
Digestive Diseases Image
Complicated giant colonic diverticulum: imaging-based diagnosis


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2022.9312/2022

Javier Rodríguez Jiménez, Carmen Iglesias Sobrino, Francisco Javier García Solo de Zaldívar, Francisco Andrés Pérez Hernández,

A 66-year-old male from Venezuela with history of high blood pressure and diverticulosis is being studied on an outpatient basis for abdominal pain and weight loss of several months of evolution. He presented to the emergency department due to worsening abdominal pain in the last 48 hours and fever. His abdomen was mildly tender to palpation in the left hypochondrium but did not exhibit signs of peritonitis. An abdominal x-ray was performed, revealing an oval, smooth-walled mass located in the left upper quadrant that contained a gas-fluid level. An outpatient abdominal CT scan performed two months earlier showed an intraabdominal, 14.8x10x16cm air cystic lesion, proposing giant colonic diverticulum as first diagnostic possibility. Given the findings of the abdominal x-ray, urgent abdominal CT was requested (image 3) with results suggestive of sigmoid-dependent giant diverticulum, complicated by probable superinfection and torsion of the sigma at its base. Considering the suspected diagnosis, the patient underwent diverticulectomy, demonstrating purulent content inside. Histopathology confirmed the diagnosis. Evolution after surgery was favourable and the patient was discharged on the sixth postoperative day.
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1. Di Muzio, B., Bell, D. Giant colonic diverticulum. Reference article, (accessed on 21 Oct 2022). Permalink:
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Rodríguez Jiménez J, Iglesias Sobrino C, García Solo de Zaldívar F, Pérez Hernández F. Complicated giant colonic diverticulum: imaging-based diagnosis. 9312/2022

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Received: 28/10/2022

Accepted: 08/11/2022

Online First: 23/12/2022

Published: 04/03/2024

Article Online First time: 56 days

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