Year 2018 / Volume 110 / Number 1
Digestive Diseases Image
Hypersplenism secondary to splenoportal axis compression by a giant hepatic cyst


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2017.5048/2017

Leire Parapar Álvarez, Sonia Antón García, Carmen Argüelles Martínez de la Vega, Manuel Crespo Sánchez,

Simple hepatic cysts (SHCs) are formations that contain serous fluid surrounded by normal hepatic parenchyma with no communication with intrahepatic bile ducts. Symptoms develop as a result of their size or complications such as bleeding, rupture, intracystic infection or compression of adjacent structures.
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10/06/2018 20:35:13
muy interesante

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2. Macho Pérez O, Gómez Pavón J, Núñez González A, et al. Quiste hepático simple gigante como causa de disnea en paciente de 93 años. An Med Int. 2007;24:135–7.
3. Martos M, Cosme A, Garmendia G, et al. Ictericia por quiste simple gigante de hígado. Revista Española de Enfermedades Digestivas, 2011. Vol. 103, Nº2, pp. 103-104.
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Parapar Álvarez L, Antón García S, Argüelles Martínez de la Vega C, Crespo Sánchez M. Hypersplenism secondary to splenoportal axis compression by a giant hepatic cyst . 5048/2017

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Received: 08/05/2017

Accepted: 18/07/2017

Online First: 11/10/2017

Published: 12/01/2018

Article revision time: 63 days

Article Online First time: 156 days

Article editing time: 249 days

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