Year 2016 / Volume 108 / Number 9
Case Report
Pseudoaneurysm associated with complicated pancreatic pseudocysts


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2016.3855/2015

Laura Larrey Ruiz, Marisol Luján Sanchis, Laura Peño Muñoz, Carmen Barber Hueso, Rafa Cors Ferrando, Ana Belén Durá Ayet, Javier Sempere García-Argüelles,

A pseudoaneurysm associated with a pseudocyst is a serious and unusual complication of chronic pancreatitis. Its treatment is complex due to its elevated mortality and the need for multidisciplinary management. Initial measures consist in locating the hemorrhage through computerized dynamic tomography and arteriography. The treatment of choice is controversial due to the lack of controlled studies. For managing hemorrhages in stable patients, the most accepted initial measure currently is arterial embolization. In the event of failure of the same, hemodynamic instability or the impossibility of drainage of the pseudocyst, surgery is the subsequent therapeutic option.
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Larrey Ruiz L, Luján Sanchis M, Peño Muñoz L, Barber Hueso C, Cors Ferrando R, Durá Ayet A, et all. Pseudoaneurysm associated with complicated pancreatic pseudocysts. 3855/2015

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Received: 18/05/2015

Accepted: 08/06/2015

Online First: 20/01/2016

Published: 06/09/2016

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