Year 2023 / Volume 115 / Number 8
Gadoxetic acid (Primovist®) beyond the characterization of hepatic lesions in MRI: the case of biliary leaks


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2022.9220/2022

Alba Salgado-Parente, Almudena Gil-Boronat, Elena Canales Lachen, María Muñoz Beltrán,

Gadoxetic acid (Primovist®) is a paramagnetic contrast agent widely known for its use in the characterisation of focal liver lesions; however, it is also an important tool for the evaluation of the biliary tract. Its hepatospecific properties are able to demonstrate the presence and location of biliary leaks by MRI, allowing appropriate treatment planning and avoiding unnecessary invasive tests.
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Salgado-Parente A, Gil-Boronat A, Canales Lachen E, Muñoz Beltrán M. Gadoxetic acid (Primovist®) beyond the characterization of hepatic lesions in MRI: the case of biliary leaks. 9220/2022

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Received: 20/09/2022

Accepted: 28/09/2022

Online First: 20/10/2022

Published: 26/07/2023

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