Year 2006 / Volume 98 / Number 4
Spanish scientific output on Helicobacter pylori. A study through Medline

pp. 255-264

M. Trapero-Marugán, J. P. Gisbert and J. M. Pajares

Objectives: to analyze scientific output from Spanish hospitals in relation to Helicobacter pylori infection.

Methods: papers collected from the Medline database between January 1988 and December 2003 were selected. Our search strategy was: "Helicobacter pylori" [MeSH] AND ((Spain
[AD] OR Espana [AD] OR Spanien [AD] OR Espagne [AD] OR Espanha [AD]) OR (Spanish [LA]) OR Spain). The following was analyzed:
geographic area, Spanish or foreign publication, topic, and year of publication. Output and impact bibliometric markers were evaluated.

Results: in all, 691 papers were identified, of which 241 were excluded. Number of papers went from 2 in 1988 to 47 in 2002 and 13 in 2003. There were more reports in Spanish versus foreign
journals (58 vs. 42%). In the first 5 years the areas with greater output were associated with diagnosis and microbiology (33 and 20%), whereas therapy was the predominating subject
during the last 5 years (27%). Original papers were most common among publications (69%). Hospitals with highest output included
La Princesa (24%) and Ramón y Cajal (17.6%) in Madrid, and Parc Taulí in Barcelona (6.4%). Mean impact factor progressively increased from 1.826 in 1988 to 2.142 in 2002 and 2.493 in 2003.

Conclusions: the production and impact of documents published by Spanish scientists regarding H. pylori infection considerably
increased during the past two decades.
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M. Trapero-Marugán, J. P. Gisbert and J. M. Pajares. Spanish scientific output on Helicobacter pylori. A study through Medline. 255-264

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