Year 2019 / Volume 111 / Number 5
Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography – An indispensable tool in the hands of any hepatologist


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2019.6240/2019

Rafael Gómez Rodríguez,

Vascular complications after liver transplantation may lead to graft dysfunction and liver failure, which in turn results in need for retransplantation and death risk. Therefore, their early diagnosis is critical. Major vascular complications include hepatic artery thrombosis, stenosis and aneurysms; portal vein thrombosis and stenosis; and potential additional complications in hepatic veins and vena cava. Of all these vascular complications hepatic arterial thrombosis, which involves approximately 5% of transplant recipients, is most significant. Portal complications, which are second in significance, are less common (2%).
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Received: 16/02/2019

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