Year 2022 / Volume 114 / Number 7
Primary adenocarcinoma of the fourth portion of the duodenum, an unsuspected diagnosis


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2022.8732/2022

Pablo Salmón Olavarría, Alba Cebrián García, Juan Carrascosa Gil, Nerea Hervás Palacios, Amaia Arrubla Gamboa, David Ruiz-Clavijo García, Ana Martínez Echeverría, Saioa Rubio Iturria,

Small bowel adenocarcinoma is a rare tumor accounting for only 0.3-0.4% of all gastrointestinal tumors, with duodenal adenocarcinoma being the most common subtype. In most patients, it presents with nonspecific signs and symptoms, often leading to a delay in diagnosis. Therefore, it is essential to establish an adequate initial clinical suspicion to carry out an adequate diagnostic approach, being necessary to perform both radiological and endoscopic diagnostic techniques.
New comment

13/07/2022 19:52:32
No explican nada acerca del procedimiento.

¿Qué cirugía se hizo? Qué reconstrucción?

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Salmón Olavarría P, Cebrián García A, Carrascosa Gil J, Hervás Palacios N, Arrubla Gamboa A, Ruiz-Clavijo García D, et all. Primary adenocarcinoma of the fourth portion of the duodenum, an unsuspected diagnosis. 8732/2022

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Received: 19/02/2022

Accepted: 21/02/2022

Online First: 04/03/2022

Published: 07/07/2022

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