Year 2020 / Volume 112 / Number 7
Digestive services in the Spanish National Health System of the XXI century. Organizational and operational standards for a patient-centered service


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2020.7192/2020

Miguel García, Eva Marín Serrano, Miguel Garcia on behalf of Junta Directiva de la Asociación Española de Ecografía Digestiva*,

* Junta Directiva de la Asociación Española de Ecografía Digestiva: Miguel Garcia, Eva Marín Serrano, Francisco Javier Alvarez Higueras, Manuel Crespo Sánchez, Juan Carlos Pérez Alvarez, María Tejada Cabrera

The Spanish Society of Gastroenterology (SEPD) has published a consensus document that discusses the key standards and recommendations for organizing digestive system units (DSUs) in the 21st century. This is aimed at quality, efficient and patient-centered health care.
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1. Crespo J, Carballo F, Alberca F, et al. Los servicios de digestivo en el Sistema Nacional de Salud del siglo XXI. Estándares de organización y funcionamiento para un servicio centrado en el paciente. Rev Esp Enferm Dig 2020;112(2):144-149. doi:10.17235/reed.2020.6778/2019.
2. Orden SAS/2854/2009, de 9 de octubre, por la que se aprueba y publica el programa formativo de la especialidad de Aparato Digestivo. BOE-A-2009-16993 de 26 de octubre, nº 258:89582-89604. Permalink ELI:
3. González de Frutos C, Marín-Serrano E, Gómez-Rubio M, et al. Training in Ultrasound for Resident Physicians in Gastroenterology: a survey and training project by the Spanish Association of Digestive Ultrasound (Asociación Española de Ecografía Digestiva -AEED). Rev Esp Enferm Dig. 2019;111(10): 767-774. doi: 10.17235/reed.2019.6172/2019.
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García M, Marín Serrano E, Garcia M. Digestive services in the Spanish National Health System of the XXI century. Organizational and operational standards for a patient-centered service. 7192/2020

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Received: 26/04/2020

Accepted: 11/05/2020

Online First: 24/06/2020

Published: 08/07/2020

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