Year 2020 / Volume 112 / Number 11
Rectal advancement flaps for the treatment of transphincteric perianal fistulas: a three-dimensional endoanal ultrasound and quality of life assessment


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2020.7187/2020

Marina Garcés Albir, Stephanie Anne García-Botello, Vicente Pla-Martí, José Martín-Arévalo, David Moro-Valdezate, Alejandro Espi, Joaquín Ortega,

This study quantifies the damage to the internal anal sphincter (IAS) after a rectal mucosal advancement flap for a high transphincteric fistula in 16 patients using 3D-endoanal ultrasound. This was correlated with postoperative incontinence and quality of life scores. The median length of involved IAS preoperatively was 50 % (20-100) and 93.72 % for EAS (47.4-100 %). IAS division did not influence continence (p > 0.05). Continence deteriorated between the pre-, postoperative (p = 0.014) and six-month follow-up (p = 0.005), with no significant differences after one year (p > 0.05). The FIQOL score and SF-36 deteriorated initially, with recovery in all domains except for mental health after one year. Three fistulas recurred (18.75 %).
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15/11/2023 20:37:50
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Garcés Albir M, García-Botello S, Pla-Martí V, Martín-Arévalo J, Moro-Valdezate D, Espi A, et all. Rectal advancement flaps for the treatment of transphincteric perianal fistulas: a three-dimensional endoanal ultrasound and quality of life assessment. 7187/2020

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Received: 25/04/2020

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