Year 2019 / Volume 111 / Number 10
Training in Ultrasound for Resident Physicians in Gastroenterology: a survey and training project by the Spanish Association of Digestive Ultrasound (Asociación Española de Ecografía Digestiva - AEED)


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2019.6172/2019

Concepcion González de Frutos, Eva Marín Serrano, Mariano Gómez-Rubio, Manuel Crespo Sánchez, Francisco Javier Álvarez-Higueras, Gregorio Castellano-Tortajada,

Background: the training program of the gastroenterology specialty that is mandatory for resident physicians, obliges them to be proficient in diagnostic and therapeutic digestive ultrasound tools. Methodology: the Asociación Española de Ecografía Digestiva (AEED) performed a survey of the 93 Departments of Gastroenterology with training programs for resident physicians in gastroenterology, in order to assess the exact situation of training in digestive ultrasound in Spain. Results: only 31 of the 93 (33%) Departments of Gastroenterology were able to provide training in Digestive Ultrasound. Moreover, 33% (48 out of 148) of the residents in gastroenterology did not receive specific training in digestive ultrasound. Whereas, 31% (46 out of 148) had received some specific training, but with ample room for improvement. These deficiencies were spread throughout the Spanish regions (Autonomous Communities) in an uneven manner, with almost half totally lacking gastroenterology departments that were capable of providing digestive ultrasound training. Conclusions: there is a significant deficit of gastroenterology departments capable of providing training in digestive ultrasound to residents, causing a significant training inequality. Until this situation can be reversed, the AEED has designed a training project in digestive ultrasound aimed at providing adequate training to all residents in gastroenterology as required.
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González de Frutos C, Marín Serrano E, Gómez-Rubio M, Crespo Sánchez M, Álvarez-Higueras F, Castellano-Tortajada G, et all. Training in Ultrasound for Resident Physicians in Gastroenterology: a survey and training project by the Spanish Association of Digestive Ultrasound (Asociación Española de Ecografía Digestiva - AEED). 6172/2019

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Received: 14/01/2019

Accepted: 21/03/2019

Online First: 13/09/2019

Published: 03/10/2019

Article revision time: 56 days

Article Online First time: 242 days

Article editing time: 262 days

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