Year 2019 / Volume 111 / Number 8
Special Article
The quality of abdominal ultrasound: a much-needed consensus


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2019.6177/2019

Eva Marín-Serrano,

The abdominal ultrasound (AU) is a diagnostic imaging modality that is yet to be established in most Gastrointestinal (GI) Units in Spain. This is largely due to the difficulties that GI specialists face with regard to the appropriate training received when starting the specialty. Insufficient resources have been allocated to develop AU units in many GI units where AUs are performed. The equipment is obsolete and there are no adaptations to the needs of the GI specialist to provide good medical care. Thus, due to all the above, the AU does not hold the position it deserves in our specialty. This probably stems from a lack of impulse and/or support to the technique, which has underestimated its usefulness and has limited the implementation of resources in the GI units. For the AU to overcome these obstacles, it needs to be considered as a process or a series of activities based on scientific evidence and the experience of professionals that achieves a result that covers the patients’ needs with minimal risk. In this article, we defend the need to boost AU as a key discipline for the diagnosis of digestive diseases. Quality is considered as the key aspect on which this transformation and improvement is founded.
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Received: 16/01/2019

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