Year 2020 / Volume 112 / Number 1
Small but great steps


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2019.6758/2019

Javier A. Cienfuegos, Enrique Pérez-Cuadrado Martínez,

At the beginning of 2020 it is our pleasure to inform our readers about the changes in structure and future projects this journal will undertake. First of all, we wish to thank The National and International Editorial Committee, as well as the journal reviewers, for their enthusiasm, dedication, and scientific rigor in their silent and behind-the-scenes task of improving the quality of the published materials.
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Cienfuegos J, Pérez-Cuadrado Martínez E. Small but great steps. 6758/2019

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Publication history

Received: 19/11/2019

Accepted: 05/12/2019

Online First: 13/12/2019

Published: 10/01/2020

Article Online First time: 24 days

Article editing time: 52 days

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