Year 2021 / Volume 113 / Number 10
Digestive Diseases Image
Emphysematous pancreatitis: a rare entity with characteristic radiological findings


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2021.8093/2021

Fernando Ramírez Esteso, Esther Domínguez Ferreras, Francisco Domper Bardají, María Rodríguez González,

The case was a 53-year-old male with a history of acute pancreatitis of biliary origin, and subsequent laparoscopic cholecystectomy, currently hospitalized due to a diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. Seventy-two hours after the onset of symptoms he had fever, uncontrolled pain, and elevated inflammatory markers. An abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan revealed an aerial collection at the pancreatic gland suggestive of emphysematous pancreatitis. Proteus vulgaris was isolated from pancreatic puncture and blood cultures. The patient developed septic shock, which required admission to the intensive care unit. Septic shock was initially controlled by percutaneous drainage. However, surgical debridement was also necessary in the following days.
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Ramírez Esteso F, Domínguez Ferreras E, Domper Bardají F, Rodríguez González M. Emphysematous pancreatitis: a rare entity with characteristic radiological findings. 8093/2021

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Publication history

Received: 12/05/2021

Accepted: 29/05/2021

Online First: 18/06/2021

Published: 06/10/2021

Article revision time: 15 days

Article Online First time: 37 days

Article editing time: 147 days

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