Year 2016 / Volume 108 / Number 9
Endoscopic management of malignant biliary stenosis. Update and highlights for standard clinical practice


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2016.3912/2015

MªJosé Domper Arnal, Miguel Ángel Simón Marco,

The present review describes the various indications of biliary stent placement in patients with biliary malignancies. It deals in depth with biliary accesses and their effectiveness, as well as with the use of different stents according to lesion type and expected patient survival. For liver hilum lesions, which are somewhat more complex, the usefulness of and need for unilateral or bilateral drainage is assessed, as it is the most appropriate method. All in all, this is an up-to-date literature review that may help clinicians in their daily decision-making, as well as to improve and optimize patient outcomes.
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Domper Arnal M, Simón Marco M. Endoscopic management of malignant biliary stenosis. Update and highlights for standard clinical practice . 3912/2015

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