Year 2020 / Volume 112 / Number 7
Quality of life study in asymptomatic patients with hepatitis C


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2019.6339/2019

Raúl Honrubia López, Antonio Madejón Seiz, Miriam Romero Portales, Araceli García Sánchez, Pilar Castillo Grau, José Carlos Erdozain Sosa, Antonio Olveira Martín, Ana Robles, Javier García-Samaniego Rey,

Objective and methods: an observational, longitudinal, prospective study was performed to assess changes in perceived quality of life in asymptomatic patients with hepatitis C under treatment with direct-acting antivirals. Questionnaires SF-36 and EQ-5D-5L were administered to 86 treated patients and 12 controls. Results: there were improvements in several parameters such as physical functioning, bodily pain, general health, vitality and social functioning, particularly when the perceptions were compared before treatment and after treatment completion and following recovery. Conclusion: these data support the hypothesis that the hepatitis C virus may worsen quality of life in asymptomatic patients.
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Honrubia López R, Madejón Seiz A, Romero Portales M, García Sánchez A, Castillo Grau P, Erdozain Sosa J, et all. Quality of life study in asymptomatic patients with hepatitis C. 6339/2019

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Publication history

Received: 15/04/2019

Accepted: 26/05/2019

Online First: 16/10/2019

Published: 08/07/2020

Article revision time: 33 days

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