Year 2021 / Volume 113 / Number 7
Hepatitis C in homeless people: reaching a hard-to-reach population


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2021.7737/2020

Rebeca Alfranca, Mercè Salvans, Carmen López, Cristina Giralt, Marissa Ramírez, Fran Calvo,

Objective: the aim of this study was to analyze the process of detection and treatment of hepatitis C in individuals experiencing homelessness (IEH). Methods: an analytical cross-sectional study was performed in a Primary Care center. The center screened and registered patients with a positive hepatitis C antibody test and referred them to the Digestive Service. Results: finally, 8.3 % presented with a positive HCV antibody test, of which six were patients who had already received treatment. Of those who had not received treatment, one patient was successfully treated; 30.8 % of the total could not be located or did not wish to participate. Conclusion: community coordination and the use of rapid tests would improve detection.
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Alfranca R, Salvans M, López C, Giralt C, Ramírez M, Calvo F, et all. Hepatitis C in homeless people: reaching a hard-to-reach population. 7737/2020

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Received: 17/12/2020

Accepted: 07/01/2021

Online First: 26/01/2021

Published: 07/07/2021

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