Year 2023 / Volume 115 / Number 7
Hepatitis C virus micro-elimination in vulnerable populations before and during a global pandemic


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2022.9275/2022

Sara Gómez de la Cuesta, María Isabel Martín-Arribas, María Isabel Mateos Hernández, Antonia Oliva Oliva, Fernando Geijo Martínez,

Objective: to analyze a hepatitis C virus (HCV) microelimination strategy targeting vulnerable populations and the influence of the pandemic on its maintenance and outcomes. Methods: in 2018, the Hepatology Unit implemented an HCV microelimination strategy for patients attending drug addiction care centers and Psychiatry Units such as the Alcoholism Treatment Unit. These centers reported suspected or confirmed cases of HCV infection directly to the hepatologists, who, after reviewing the clinical records, cite those patients if necessary. Results: from June 2018 to February 2020, hepatologists were consulted on 37 anti-HCV positive patients, 31 of them were from Drug Addiction Care Centers, 5 from the Alcoholism Disorders Unit and 1 from the Department of Psychiatry. Fibrosis stage: F0-F1, 18 (50%); F2, 9 (25%); F3, 2 (4.2%); F4, 8 (20.8%). Female sex, 6 (16.7%). Required attending: Yes, 27 (73%). 25 (92.6%) went. Outpatient consultation: 10 (27%). Required treatment: 19 (51.3%). Sustained virological response: 19 (100%). Fibrosis stage of treated patients: F0-F1, 13 (68%); F2, 2 (11%); F3, 1 (5%); F4, 3 (16%). Patients from the Psychiatry Department during 2021: 11. 9 (82%) do not need to attend; 2 (18%): their situation is unknown. Conclusions: sustained communication with centers that care for populations at risk of active HCV infection is needed to detect cases, increase adherence to treatment, and rescue patients who require screening for hepatocarcinoma.
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Gómez de la Cuesta S, Martín-Arribas M, Mateos Hernández M, Oliva Oliva A, Geijo Martínez F. Hepatitis C virus micro-elimination in vulnerable populations before and during a global pandemic. 9275/2022

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Received: 10/10/2022

Accepted: 14/10/2022

Online First: 10/11/2022

Published: 06/07/2023

Article Online First time: 31 days

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