Year 2016 / Volume 108 / Number 7
Causes of treatment failure for hepatitis C in the era of direct-acting antiviral therapy


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2015.3894/2015

Joaquín Cabezas, Susana Llerena, Ángela Puente, Emilio Fábrega, Javier Crespo,

Hepatitis C therapy in the era of the newer direct-acting antiviral agents has radically changed our treatment schemes by achieving very high rates of sustained virological response. However, treatment with direct antiviral agents fails in a subgroup of patients. This group of so-called difficult-to-treat individuals is the subject of this paper, which reviews the causes of virological failure, their clinical implications, and some final recommendations.
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Cabezas J, Llerena S, Puente Á, Fábrega E, Crespo J. Causes of treatment failure for hepatitis C in the era of direct-acting antiviral therapy . 3894/2015

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Received: 17/06/2015

Accepted: 21/09/2015

Online First: 15/12/2015

Published: 11/07/2016

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