Year 2017 / Volume 109 / Number 3
Restoration of density of interstitial cells of Cajal in the jejunum of diabetic rats after quercetin supplementation


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2016.4338/2016

Flávia Cristina Vieira Frez, Juliana Vanessa Martins Colombo Perles, David Robert Linden, Simon John Gibbons, Heber Amilcar Martins, Débora Almeida Brito Romualdo, Sara Raquel de Souza, Gleison Daion Piovezana Bossolani, Jacqueline Nelisis Zanoni,

Background: Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) are required for normal motility in the gastrointestinal tract. Depletion of ICC has been associated with diabetic gastroenteropathy. Purpose: To determine the effect of quercertin supplementation on anoctamin-1 (Ano1) immunoreactive ICC in the myenteric region (ICC-MY) and deep muscular plexus (ICC-DMP) in the jejunum of diabetic rats. Methods: Thirty-two 90-day-old male Wistar rats were distributed into the following groups: normoglycemic (C), normoglycemic supplemented with quercetin (CQ; 40 mg daily), diabetic (D), and diabetic supplemented with quercetin (DQ; 40 mg daily). Diabetes was induced by streptozotocin injection. After 120 days, preparations of the jejunal muscular and submucosal layers were immunostained for Ano1 to visualize ICC. Evaluation of the immunofluorescence intensity as well as density of ICC was performed. Results: The density of ICC-MY was 46% lower in group D compared to group C (p < 0.01); ICC-DMP were reduced by 37% (p > 0.05). After quercertin treatment, the densities of ICC-MY were significantly higher in the DQ group compared to group D (ICC-MY: 58%, p < 0.05). Supplementation with quercetin in normoglycemic animals (CQ) compared with group C did not significantly change the ICC density (p > 0.05). Conclusions: In STZ-treated diabetic rats, diabetes promoted a reduction in the density of jejunal ICC-MY with no significant effect on ICC-DMP. Supplementation with quercetin (DQ) appeared to protect ICC-MY from depletion in diabetes possibly due to its antioxidant action.
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Vieira Frez F, Martins Colombo Perles J, Robert Linden D, Gibbons S, Amilcar Martins H, Almeida Brito Romualdo D, et all. Restoration of density of interstitial cells of Cajal in the jejunum of diabetic rats after quercetin supplementation. 4338/2016

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Received: 22/03/2016

Accepted: 29/10/2016

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Published: 28/02/2017

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