Year 2019 / Volume 111 / Number 9
Special Article
Quality indicators in gastroscopy. Gastroscopy procedure


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2019.6023/2018

Shirley Pérez Romero, Fernando Alberca de las Parras, Antonio Sánchez del Río, Julio López-Picazo, Javier Júdez Gutiérrez, Joaquín León Molina,

Within the project “Quality indicators in digestive endoscopy”, pioneered by the Spanish Society for Digestive Diseases (SEPD), the objective of this research is to suggest the structure, process, and results procedures and indicators necessary to implement and assess quality in the gastroscopy setting. First, a chart was designed with the steps to be followed during a gastroscopy procedure. Secondly, a team of experts in care quality and/or endoscopy performed a qualitative review of the literature searching for quality indicators for endoscopic procedures, including gastroscopies. Finally, using a paired analysis approach, a selection of the literature obtained was undertaken. For gastroscopy, a total of nine process indicators were identified (one preprocedure, eight intraprocedure). Evidence quality was assessed with the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) classification scale.
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DOI: 10.17235/reed.2018.5652/2018
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Pérez Romero S, Alberca de las Parras F, Sánchez del Río A, López-Picazo J, Júdez Gutiérrez J, León Molina J, et all. Quality indicators in gastroscopy. Gastroscopy procedure. 6023/2018

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