Year 2017 / Volume 109 / Number 10
Case Report
Hepatocolic fistula managed with a novel Padlock® device for endoscopic closure


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2017.5150/2017

Benito Velayos Jiménez, Lourdes del Olmo Martínez, Carmen Alonso Martín, Javier Trueba Arguiñarena, José Manuel González Hernández,

Recent advances in endoscopic therapeutics allow conditions such as fistulas of the digestive system to be treated endoscopically. These cases were recently managed with surgery. The Padlock® system includes a nitinol clip that was recently introduced for endoscopic therapy. There are few reports with regard to its use in the daily clinical practice. We report a case of a colonic fistula that was endoscopically managed with this novel over-the-scope nitinol clip system.
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Velayos Jiménez B, del Olmo Martínez L, Alonso Martín C, Trueba Arguiñarena J, González Hernández J. Hepatocolic fistula managed with a novel Padlock® device for endoscopic closure. 5150/2017

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Received: 30/06/2017

Accepted: 27/07/2017

Online First: 25/09/2017

Published: 29/09/2017

Article revision time: 24 days

Article Online First time: 87 days

Article editing time: 91 days

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