Year 2017 / Volume 109 / Number 6
Special Article
Quality indicators in digestive endoscopy: introduction to structure, process, and outcome common indicators


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2017.5035/2017

Julio López-Picazo, Fernando Alberca de las Parras, Antonio Sánchez del Río, Shirley Pérez Romero, Joaquín León Molina, Francisco Javier Júdez,

The general goal of the project wherein this paper is framed is the proposal of useful quality and safety procedures and indicators to facilitate quality improvement in digestive endoscopy units. This initial offspring sets forth procedures and indicators common to all digestive endoscopy procedures. First, a diagram of pre- and post-digestive endoscopy steps was developed. A group of health care quality and/or endoscopy experts under the auspices of the Sociedad Española de Patología Digestiva (Spanish Society of Digestive Diseases) carried out a qualitative review of the literature regarding the search for quality indicators in endoscopic procedures. Then, a paired analysis was used for the selection of literature references and their subsequent review. Twenty indicators were identified, including seven for structure, eleven for process (five pre-procedure, three intra-procedure, three post-procedure), and two for outcome. Quality of evidence was analyzed for each indicator using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) classification.
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Citation tools
López-Picazo J, Alberca de las Parras F, Sánchez del Río A, Pérez Romero S, León Molina J, Júdez F, et all. Quality indicators in digestive endoscopy: introduction to structure, process, and outcome common indicators. 5035/2017

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Publication history

Received: 28/04/2017

Accepted: 08/05/2017

Online First: 29/05/2017

Published: 01/06/2017

Article revision time: 5 days

Article Online First time: 31 days

Article editing time: 34 days

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