Year 2023 / Volume 115 / Number 3
Sepsis due to phlegmonous gastritis in a cancer patient


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2022.9009/2022

César Gutiérrez Pérez, Irene Chivato Martín-Falquina, Inmaculada Rodríguez Ledesma, Alicia Cuenca Zarzuela, Javier Soto Alsar, David Salomón Juliao Caamaño, Roberto Jiménez Rodríguez, Carlos García Girón,

We bring forward a case of a 58-year-old female who, undergoing treatment for glioblastoma with temozolomide and radiotherapy, visited the Emergency Department due to acute abdominal pain and chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia. She was diagnosed with sepsis due to phlegmonous gastritis. After several weeks in the Intensive Care Unit with antimicrobial coverage, our patient was discharged. Conceptually, phlegmonous gastritis is a highly unusual bacterial infection of the gastric wall. Intrinsically related to the alteration of the immune system, and frequently linked to cancer patients, its high morbidity and mortality and exceptional casuistry require early treatment and clinical suspicion.
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Gutiérrez Pérez C, Chivato Martín-Falquina I, Rodríguez Ledesma I, Cuenca Zarzuela A, Soto Alsar J, Juliao Caamaño D, et all. Sepsis due to phlegmonous gastritis in a cancer patient. 9009/2022

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Received: 15/06/2022

Accepted: 19/06/2022

Online First: 06/07/2022

Published: 07/03/2023

Article Online First time: 21 days

Article editing time: 265 days

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