Year 2023 / Volume 115 / Number 4
Outcomes of an automated alert system from Microbiology to link diagnosis to treatment in patients with hepatitis C virus


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2022.8716/2022

Carlos Alventosa Mateu, María Dolores Ocete Mochón, Juan José Urquijo Ponce, Mercedes Latorre Sánchez, Inmaculada Castelló Miralles, Miguel García Deltoro, Enrique Ortega González, María José Bonet Igual, Concepción Gimeno Cardona, Moisés Diago Madrid,

Introduction: simplification strategies for the care circuit of patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) are key to achieve eradication. An electronic identification system was set up for HCV serology to link diagnosis to specialist management, aimed to reduce patient loss. Material and methods: a retrospective, single-center study was performed in patients with HCV identified from 15/3/2020 to 15/12/2021, using an alert system from Microbiology that notified specialists of positive cases. The patient was contacted and appointed a Fibroscan® and viral load measurement, with antiviral therapy prescribed on the same day. Origin, public health data, patient location rate and antiviral therapy prescription were recorded. Results: of 174 patients identified, 171 had positive viremia, with a mean age of 59.6 ± 15.9 years, 61.5 % were males and 81.2 % were Spanish nationals. Origin in the outpatient setting predominated (57.9 %, 99/171), particularly Primary Care (51/171), penitentiaries (21/171) and addiction units (14/171). Overall, 43.3 % (74/171) were aware of their diagnosis; 19.4 % (20/103) of patients had F3 fibrosis and 25.2 % (26/103) had F4 fibrosis. Also, 78.4 % (134/171) were deemed candidates for treatment. Of these, 74.6 % (100/134) were located and treatment was initiated, and all those who completed their treatment achieved a sustained viral response (96/96). This system managed 58.5 % (100/171) of the patients identified. The only association found between antiviral therapy and patient variables was comorbidities with being untreated (OR, 7.14; p ˂ 0.001). Conclusions: this alert system allows to minimize patient loss in the care circuit and provides high rates of treated patients.
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Alventosa Mateu C, Ocete Mochón M, Urquijo Ponce J, Latorre Sánchez M, Castelló Miralles I, García Deltoro M, et all. Outcomes of an automated alert system from Microbiology to link diagnosis to treatment in patients with hepatitis C virus. 8716/2022

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