Year 2020 / Volume 112 / Number 4
Device-assisted enteroscopy training. A rapid review


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2020.6923/2020

Federico Soria Gálvez, Octavio López-Albors, Pilar Esteban Delgado, Enrique Pérez-Cuadrado Robles, Rafael Latorre Reviriego,

Device-assisted enteroscopy is currently lacking a validated training model, in contrast to the other major technique used for the study of the small bowel, namely capsule endoscopy. Training should be based on defining and achieving competency for the acquisition of the knowledge and skills required to perform enteroscopy in a safe and effective manner. The need for training is clear, since the technique is considered an advanced endoscopy form that requires maneuvers that differ from the usual ones that must be learned, in addition to specific equipment. Therefore, the ideal candidates for this training include professionals with accredited experience in therapeutic digestive endoscopy. Amongst the recommendations issued regarding device-assisted enteroscopy training, the estimation of small-bowel insertion depth and the choice of the examination route, whether oral or anal, should be highlighted. Learning curve descriptions have the limitation of being explorer-dependent with no consensus on the parameter that should be selected to establish a correct learning curve in enteroscopy. The most commonly used parameter is insertion depth. The few training models that have been proposed recommend using a highly useful tool, namely simulators and to start practicing under expert guidance. Based on the variability of published data, an experienced endoscopist may perform enteroscopy in a safe and effective manner after 5 to 35 training procedures. Although reaching the expert level requires prolonged clinical practice with exposure to the various disorders of the small bowel.
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Soria Gálvez F, López-Albors O, Esteban Delgado P, Pérez-Cuadrado Robles E, Latorre Reviriego R. Device-assisted enteroscopy training. A rapid review. 6923/2020

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