Year 2023 / Volume 115 / Number 6
A rare cause of obscure gastrointestinal bleeding


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2022.9156/2022

Margarida Gonçalves, Bruno Gonçalves, Joana Sobreiro Silva, Isabel Marques, Angela Rodrigues, Ana Rebelo,

A 62-year-old woman was referred to Gastroenterology appointment due to severe iron deficiency anemia (5.9 g/dL), complaining of asthenia and requiring blood transfusion. The patient denied blood loss. Initial blood test showed a severe iron deficiency, with ferritin of 5ng/mL and transferrin saturation of 2.7%. Folic acid and vitamin B12 were normal. Upper gastroscopy and colonoscopy didn’t show any lesions. Abdominopelvic CT and capsule endoscopy were, also, normal.
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Gonçalves M, Gonçalves B, Silva J, Marques I, Rodrigues A, Rebelo A, et all. A rare cause of obscure gastrointestinal bleeding. 9156/2022

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Publication history

Received: 26/08/2022

Accepted: 01/09/2022

Online First: 12/09/2022

Published: 06/06/2023

Article Online First time: 17 days

Article editing time: 284 days

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