Year 2017 / Volume 109 / Number 5
The use of the modified Neff classification in the management of acute diverticulitis


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2017.4738/2016

Laura Mora López, Roser Flores Clotet, Xavier Serra Aracil, Noemí Montes Ortega, Salvador Navarro Soto,

Introduction: Acute diverticulitis (AD) is increasingly seen in Emergency services. The application of a reliable classification is vital for its safe and effective management. Objective: To determine whether the combined use of the modified Neff radiological classification (mNeff) and clinical criteria (systemic inflammatory response syndrome [SIRS] and comorbidity) can ensure safe management of AD. Material and methods: Prospective descriptive study in a population of patients diagnosed with AD by computerized tomography (CT). The protocol applied consisted in the application of the mNeff classification and clinical criteria of SIRS and comorbidity to guide the choice of outpatient treatment, admission, drainage or surgery. Results: The study was carried out from February 2010 to February 2016. A total of 590 episodes of AD were considered: 271 women and 319 men, with a median age of 60 years (range: 25-92 years). mNeff grades were as follows: grade 0 (408 patients 70.6%); 376/408 (92%) were considered for home treatment; of these 376 patients, 254 (67.5%) were discharged and controlled by the Home Hospitalization Unit; 33 returned to the Emergency Room for consultation and 22 were re-admitted; the success rate was 91%. Grade Ia (52, 8.9%): 31/52 (59.6%) were considered for outpatient treatment; of these 31 patients, 11 (35.5%) were discharged; eight patients returned to the Emergency Room for consultation and five were re-admitted. Grade Ib (49, 8.5%): five surgery and two drainage. Grade II (30, 5.2%): ten surgery and four drainage. Grade III (5, 0.9%): one surgery and one drainage. Grade IV (34, 5.9%): ten patients showed good evolution with conservative treatment. Of the 34 grade IV patients, 24 (70.6%) underwent surgery, and three (8.8%) received percutaneous drainage. Conclusions: The mNeff classification is a safe, easy-to-apply classification based on CT findings. Together with clinical data and comorbidity data, it allows better management of AD.
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Mora López L, Flores Clotet R, Serra Aracil X, Montes Ortega N, Navarro Soto S. The use of the modified Neff classification in the management of acute diverticulitis. 4738/2016

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