Year 2016 / Volume 108 / Number 7
Digestive Diseases Image
Spontaneous rupture of a liver hemangioma. A case report


María Pilar Guillén-Paredes, Josefa Martínez Fernández, Álvaro Morales González, José Luis Pardo-García,

Spontaneous rupture of a liver hemangioma is a very uncommon disease, but extremely seriousness because it is associated to a 75% of mortality caused by hipovolemic shock. A case of an spontaneous rupture of liver hemangioma, which was previously unknow, is presented.
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Guillén-Paredes M, Martínez Fernández J, Morales González Á, Pardo-García J. Spontaneous rupture of a liver hemangioma. A case report. 3833/2015

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Publication history

Received: 30/04/2015

Accepted: 18/05/2015

Published: 11/07/2016

Article revision time: 6 days

Article editing time: 438 days

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