Year 2015 / Volume 107 / Number 11
PPIs: Between overuse and underprescription when really necessary


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2015.4022/2015

Carlos Martín de Argila de Prados, Lara Aguilera Castro, Enrique Rodríguez de Santiago,

Hydrochloric acid gastric secretion plays, among its primary physiological foundations, a role as protective barrier against infection with external agents from the diet and also contributes to the digestion of ingested food. However, this secretion is a critical factor shared by a number of highly prevalent diseases involving the upper gastrointestinal tract. Paradigms of such conditions include gastroduodenal peptic ulcer and gastroesophageal reflux disease.
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Martín de Argila de Prados C, Aguilera Castro L, Rodríguez de Santiago E. PPIs: Between overuse and underprescription when really necessary. 4022/2015

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Received: 29/09/2015

Accepted: 30/09/2015

Online First: 26/10/2015

Published: 30/10/2015

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