Year 2017 / Volume 109 / Number 3
Digestive Diseases Image
Long-standing indeterminate biliary stricture with iterative negative tissue sampling revealed as cholangiocarcinoma under SpyGlassTM cholangiocoscopy


Andrés Figueroa Marrero, Carlos M. Chavarría-Herbozo, Carlos de la Serna Higuera, Manuel Pérez-Miranda,

Bile duct brush cytology, intraductal biopsy and EUS-FNA are all used to characterize biliary strictures, with suboptimal sensitivity. Surgical resection without confirmed malignancy is undesirable. Cholangioscopy with targeted biopsies appears to increase the diagnostic yield in indeterminate biliary strictures, but it is still considered optional.
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Figueroa Marrero A, Chavarría-Herbozo C, de la Serna Higuera C, Pérez-Miranda M. Long-standing indeterminate biliary stricture with iterative negative tissue sampling revealed as cholangiocarcinoma under SpyGlassTM cholangiocoscopy. 4454/2016

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Publication history

Received: 17/05/2016

Accepted: 23/06/2016

Published: 28/02/2017

Article revision time: 36 days

Article editing time: 287 days

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