Year 2017 / Volume 109 / Number 5
Case Report
Cutaneous necrosis secondary to terlipressin therapy. A rare but serious side effect. Case report and literature review


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2017.4466/2016

Enrique Iglesias Julián, Ester Badía Aranda, Belén Bernad Cabredo, Daniel Corrales Cruz, María José Romero Arauzo,

Terlipressin is a vasopressin analogue used in esophageal variceal bleeding and hepatorenal syndrome management. It is a safe drug with mild secondary effects. However, potentially serious ischemic complications may occur, such as cutaneous necrosis. It is useful to recognize these events early, in order to withdraw terlipressin and introduce other adjuvant drugs if needed. We report a detailed case of cutaneous necrosis secondary to terlipressin administration and present a case review of patients, describing their characteristics, risk factors, lesion locations, doses, methods of administration and possible treatments.
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Iglesias Julián E, Badía Aranda E, Bernad Cabredo B, Corrales Cruz D, Romero Arauzo M. Cutaneous necrosis secondary to terlipressin therapy. A rare but serious side effect. Case report and literature review. 4466/2016

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Received: 23/05/2016

Accepted: 01/06/2016

Online First: 23/01/2017

Published: 03/05/2017

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Article Online First time: 245 days

Article editing time: 345 days

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