Year 2021 / Volume 113 / Number 1
Appendicular invagination as a rare manifestation of endometriosis


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2020.7002/2020

Ana Pardillos Tomé, Elena Peña González, Carmelo Cebrián García,

Appendicular invagination is a rare situation, with an incidence of 0.01 %. The clinical presentation can be variable from acute appendicitis to chronic abdominal pain, intestinal obstruction by intussusception or simply appear as a radiologic or intraoperative finding. Endometriosis is the underlying cause of appendicular invagination in one-third of cases but the possibility of neoplastic pathology should always be considered in these cases.
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Pardillos Tomé A, Peña González E, Cebrián García C. Appendicular invagination as a rare manifestation of endometriosis. 7002/2020

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Received: 21/02/2020

Accepted: 29/02/2020

Online First: 15/10/2020

Published: 11/01/2021

Article Online First time: 237 days

Article editing time: 325 days

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