Year 2024 / Volume 116 / Number 12
An unusual case of proctalgia: kerosene rectal injury


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2023.10098/2023

Ana Benítez Riesco, Leticia Pérez Santiago, Julieta Puente Monserrat, David Moro Valdezate,

Kerosene has been described as an uncommon burn injury agent(1). We report a case of a 47-year-old male who presented to the Emergency Department with proctalgia after self-administration of an unknown enema in the context of cocaine intoxication. Physical examination revealed severe perianal inflammation (Figure 1.A) without suppuration and computerized tomography (CT) scan showed free air in mesorectum and retroperitoneum without intraperitoneal free air or fluid (Figure 1.B and 1.C). Rigid rectoscopy demostrated erythematous rectal mucosa without perforation. Subsequently, perineal drainage and debridement were performed. On the fifth postoperative day, the patient reported worsening proctalgia. Examination under anesthesia revealed the presence of new-onsetanal ulcers (Figure 1.D), rigid rectoscopy identified deep ulcers limited to the rectal mucosa and colonoscopy ruled out colon involvement. During reevaluation, the patient disclosed the use of sailboat engine lubrican as the enema, with kerosene being one of its components. These findings were consistent with rectal burn injuries resulting from exposure to kerosene. A laparoscopic end-loop colostomy was performed without any postoperative complications. Follow-up examinations with rigid rectoscopy showed improvement of rectal ulcers (Figure 1.E and 1.F). To our knowledge, this is the first case of rectal burn injuries after kerosene exposure(2,3). Aggressive washout, early colostomy and serial follow-up scopes are key components in the management of these rare injuries.
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Mosconi G, Migliori M, Greco V, et al. Kerosene “burns”: a new case. Contact Dermatitis. 1988 Oct;19(4):314–5.
2. Guss MS, Ruchelsman DE, Leibman MI. Deep Penetrating Kerosene Exposure in the Hand Mimicking Deep Space Infection. J Hand Microsurg. 2020 Aug;12(02):125–7.
3. Higaki-Mori H, Watanabe T, Shindo M, et al. Chemical burn caused by excrement after ingestion of kerosene. Eur J Dermatol. 2011 May;21(3):443–443.
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Benítez Riesco A, Pérez Santiago L, Puente Monserrat J, Moro Valdezate D. An unusual case of proctalgia: kerosene rectal injury. 10098/2023

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Publication history

Received: 17/11/2023

Accepted: 23/11/2023

Online First: 30/11/2023

Published: 13/12/2024

Article Online First time: 13 days

Article editing time: 392 days

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