Year 2019 / Volume 111 / Number 12
A solitary fibrous tumor: an entity to consider in the diagnosis of liver masses


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2019.6433/2019

Irene Andaluz García, Mariana Tavecchia, Antonio Olveira Martín,

We report the case of a female admitted for abdominal tenderness and palpable mass identifying in abdominal ultrasound a big hyperechogenic lesion with anechogenic areas inside with a nonspecific contrast behaviour pattern that after removing was diagnosed of hepatic solitary fibrous tumor. Solitary fibrous tumor is an infrequent mesenchymal neoplasm, mostly beningn, with infrequent appearance in liver parenchyma. Clinical diagnosis of this entity is difficult because neither the laboratory data nor the radiological characteristics are specific and they are not well defined either, so anatomopathological and immunohistochemical study are needed, usually in the whole tumor because of its size frequently requires surgical removement.
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Andaluz García I, Tavecchia M, Olveira Martín A. A solitary fibrous tumor: an entity to consider in the diagnosis of liver masses. 6433/2019

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Publication history

Received: 08/06/2019

Accepted: 16/06/2019

Online First: 07/11/2019

Published: 05/12/2019

Article Online First time: 152 days

Article editing time: 180 days

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