Year 2019 / Volume 111 / Number 1
A descriptive monitoring study of a non-anesthetist sedation quality program


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2018.5763/2018

Rafael Cabadas Avión, María Sonsoles Leal Ruiloba, Santiago Vázquez López, María Ojea Cendón, Ismail Wi Hijazi, María Aurora Baluja González, Julián Álvarez-Escudero,

Introduction: sedation substantially improves the quality of digestive endoscopy procedures but may result in severe complications. Methods: a joint commission-based multidisciplinary protocol was used to define a protocol for sedation by non-anesthesiologists. ASA 4 patients were excluded, as well as patients with a difficult airway, complex procedures and deep sedation. Quality based on the analysis of 9 indicators were monitored. Incomplete procedures were also monitored in order to assess efficacy. Results: patient safety was established based on a very low incidence of complications and a rate of respiratory events of 1.07. Furthermore, a low rate of hypotension and bradycardia was found, as well as a low rate of pain, either during or after endoscopy and an incidence of unexpected admissions lower than 0.5%. The quality indicators measured reflect the evolution of the results of the program. Conclusions: ongoing sedation program monitoring in endoscopy allows the control of different quality dimensions and the implementation of steps for process improvement.
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Cabadas Avión R, Leal Ruiloba M, Vázquez López S, Ojea Cendón M, Wi Hijazi I, Baluja González M, et all. A descriptive monitoring study of a non-anesthetist sedation quality program. 5763/2018

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