Year 2021 / Volume 113 / Number 10
ABP 501 (adalimumab-atto) in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease: an example of evidence-based extrapolation


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2021.7921/2021

Fernando Muñoz Núñez, Carlos Taxonera, Jordi Marrón,

We report the available evidence demonstrating the biosimilarity of ABP 501 (AMGEVITA®, adalimumab-atto) to its reference product (RP) (Humira®, adalimumab), and the rationale for the extrapolation of the results obtained with the RP in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) to ABP 501. Based on its preclinical and clinical data, ABP 501 has been authorized for use in Europe in all the indications approved for the RP, including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
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1 European Medicines Agency (EMA). AMGEVITA product information,; 2019
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Muñoz Núñez F, Taxonera C, Marrón J. ABP 501 (adalimumab-atto) in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease: an example of evidence-based extrapolation. 7921/2021

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Publication history

Received: 25/02/2021

Accepted: 27/02/2021

Online First: 02/03/2021

Published: 06/10/2021

Article Online First time: 5 days

Article editing time: 223 days

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