Year 2019 / Volume 111 / Number 3
Effectiveness and safety of gastrointestinal endoscopy during a specific sedation training program for non-anesthesiologists


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2018.5713/2018

Rafael Cabadas Avión, Aurora Baluja, María Ojea Cendón, María Sonsoles Leal Ruiloba, Santiago Vázquez López, Marcial Rey Martínez, Pilar Magdalena López, Julián Álvarez-Escudero,

Introduction: sedation is a key component for the improvement of sedation quality. A correct administration requires appropriate training. We performed a study to compare sedation effectiveness, safety and patient satisfaction when administered by gastroenterologists, with and without specific training. Methods: a training program enrolled a group of gastroenterologists (trained group, n = 4) and their results were compared to those from a non-trained group (n = 3). ASA 1-3 patients who had undergone sedation by a gastroenterologist using midazolam and fentanyl were included over a period of 30 months. Safety was assessed in terms of the complication rate, effectiveness was assessed via the rate of completed endoscopic procedures and patient satisfaction was evaluated via a phone interview the day after the procedure. Results: a total of 3,475 patients were sedated by gastroenterologists during the study period. Significant differences were found that favored the trained group for completed procedures (5.6% vs 8.9%). A lower rate of excessive sedation (1.3% vs 8.61%), hypoxemia (0.72% vs 2.49%) and post-procedural pain (1.8% vs 4.3%) were also achieved. Patient satisfaction surpassed 99.5% and there were no significant differences between groups. Conclusions: our sedation training program improved the effectiveness and safety outcomes when compared to sedation administered by gastroenterologists without this specific training.
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Cabadas Avión R, Baluja A, Ojea Cendón M, Leal Ruiloba M, Vázquez López S, Rey Martínez M, et all. Effectiveness and safety of gastrointestinal endoscopy during a specific sedation training program for non-anesthesiologists. 5713/2018

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Received: 09/05/2018

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